“While shooting on location in Wonder Valley a nervous dog approached cautiously from a distance moving at an awkward angle across the sand. I was not exactly sure if the dog wanted to approach or run....however he continued to quietly position himself in the middle of my frame. The street sign marking the crossroad of this land is "Back of Beyond".

I have had a fascination with Wonder Valley since wandering into it in 2004. Oddly enough I wound up years later moving to the outer edge of Wonder Valley for a period of time in 2012 to produce this body of work. I have continued to return to Wonder Valley over the years and have collaborated with the poet Nicky Sa-eun Schildkraut who has written several poems inspired by this series. I am often taken aback by the striking changes that take place over time.

This desert shows no mercy yet those that choose to stay find a way to make this their home.”



In Search of the Salton Sea